cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dropping Drew off at work

So I just got back from dropping Drew off at work.  Drew is my son and today is his first day at his new job.  His car is off limits until he and his buddy find the right pipe for his broken muffler, and his wife is at work, so I dropped him off.
I'm so excited about his new job because it brings a lot of his talents together --- first and foremost, my son, Drew, is a fabulous guitarist, great singer, all around excellent musician and performer.  He should be; I started him out early, tapping rhythms out on my belly when I was pregnant.  And of course he heard my music everyday because I was singing and playing the piano everyday.
But in today's world the joke:
"What do you call a guitarist that just broke up with his girlfriend? . . . Homeless"
is more true than funny.
So Drew, like lots of entertainers, waited tables.  And Drew, like lots of entertainers, is a natural at teaching.  So today he starts at LISD -- Lenawee (County) Intermediate School District -- as the culinary arts teaching assistant.
Food and music go hand in hand in our family.
I come from a family of really great cooks and so does Michael, my husband.  We both love to cook,   and Drew loves to cook, too.
In fact friends kid that the best time to come to my house to eat is when I've had a bad day because that means I'm chopping.  I love the rhythm of chopping; the patterns; the feel of the knife and the satisfaction of looking at uniform pieces of onion or pepper or mushroom.
In "Jack and the Beanstalk" the giant's wife cooks up a meal for Jack, so of course, when I was translating the story into music I had to put in the chopping sounds.  Now when I chop it's very steady and even, not too fast, not too slow, and, to be the most efficient, with as little extra movement as possible.  So the first time we did "Jack" with the ASO (Adrian Symphony Orchestra) that's how the drummer played the beat.
But listening afterwards to the recording, I realized that although it was correct according to the actual sounds, it was a little boring.  So for the performance we did with Davis High School, I added more syncopation to the beats.  Hmmm.  I'm still not sure if I like it; the piece is going to be performed again in January so that's one of the things I'll have to work on.
Next time I chop, I'll have to think about the music and decide how to fix it.


  1. I think there is a "beat" in all of us. last night as I lay on a bed talking to my sister, she noticed how I would move my feet back and forth in a "rhythm".
    I'm sure you'll get the chopping beat down right.

  2. There is a beat in all of us. Often I am tapping my feet in rhythm; sometimes I wonder if my fidgeting annoys other people, but I have never been able to stop myself from keeping time. I'm doing it right now as I type.

  3. Of course the most obvious beat in all of us is our heartbeat. But few of us pay attention to it.
